Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education
Distribution Policy
Reason for Policy
Each year G-CASE receives several requests to forward flyers and information about conferences presented by other agencies and GAEL affiliates to our members. A policy on sharing our list of G-CASE members is needed.The purpose of this policy is to describe the appropriate use of G-CASE member email distribution lists. By allowing only authorized information from approved sources to be shared via G-CASE member distribution lists, G-CASE limits the risk of distribution of inappropriate or excessive email messages to members. This policy allows for only sanctioned, quality information to be distributed under the G-CASE designation and only by authorized G-CASE personnel.*
Statement of Policy
Acceptable Use:
Use of distribution lists to G-CASE members should only be used when the message/information is relevant to all members of the distribution list and directly relates to carrying out the mission of G-CASE.
Examples of Acceptable Use:
· Surveys/Special Announcements/Conference flyers from CASE, GAEL, GAEL affiliates, and the GaDOE
· Conference flyers from known sources
- If the source is unknown, due diligence will be conducted before approval
- Conferences/Flyers must be from non-profit agencies and institutions; no commercial information will be sent to G-CASE members
· Surveys/feedback from individuals working on educational dissertations at Georgia colleges and universities
- If the college/university is from out of state, the President of G-CASE will decide if sharing the distribution list is warranted
· Special Education Leadership Vacancy Announcements for Georgia schools and non-profit agencies
1. The G-CASE Executive Director will distribute requested information that meets the Examples
of Acceptable Use detailed above, after informing the G-CASE President. Any other requested
use will warrant approval from the G-CASE President before being shared with the G-CASE
2. Distribution email lists will be shared each year before Fall Conference with commercial vendors who
meet specific qualifications as part of the Exhibitor Package Incentive.*