Succession to GAEL Presidency Policy

Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (G-CASE)

Succession to GAEL Presidency Policy


Reason for Policy

Each affiliate member organization of the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) has the opportunity to nominate a member to rotate into and assume the role of an officer in GAEL according to a fixed, approved schedule. The purpose of this policy is to create procedures for the nomination and appointment of this individual to represent G-CASE in the rotation of GAEL officer leadership.


Statement of Policy

Any regular member in good standing in GAEL and the respective affiliate association (G-CASE) shall be eligible for nomination and election to any elective office of GAEL, provided that all G-CASE qualifications are met. All GAEL officers shall assume office at the conclusion of the GAEL summer conference. GAEL officer rotations use an established, published schedule that is adhered to by all affiliate organizations. The selected member will serve as an officer of GAEL for four years, according to this timetable: Year One: Secretary/Treasurer; Year Two: President-Elect; Year Three: President; Year Four: Immediate Past President (Exhibit 1).




The applicant must

  • have been a Member of G-CASE and GAEL for a minimum of the last three consecutive years.
  • have served at least one (1) year as a member of the Executive Board of Directors of the affiliate association (G-CASE) at any time before an elective term of office.
  • have been a full-time employee for at least two years in his/her current school district at the time of the selection.
  • possess an exemplary record of service to the profession of educational leadership.
  • exhibit leadership characteristics that are considered a positive role model for others.
  • make a commitment to be employed full time in a K-12 public school system in Georgia in a supervisory, coordinating, or consulting position directly related to the improvement of instruction and curriculum development for at least two years from the date of being named as the GAEL president-elect.
  • make a four-year commitment to devote the time and leadership to serve as the GAEL treasurer, GAEL president-elect, GAEL president, and GAEL immediate past-president and have the support of his/her immediate supervisor and superintendent.




1. This process will be overseen by the G-CASE Immediate Past President, as chairman of the G-CASE Awards/Nominations Committee. The G-CASE Nominating Committee will be made up of the Immediate Past President, the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If the G-CASE Immediate Past President is a candidate, the process will be run by the G-CASE Executive Director, who will not have a vote. If a member of the Nominating Committee is under consideration for this appointment, this person will remove himself/herself from the committee.

2. Applications (Exhibit 2) for the GAEL officer succession will be discussed and disseminated at the Fall Executive Board meeting of the fiscal year before G-CASE is to be involved in the GAEL officer rotation.

3. A deadline will be established by the chairman of the Awards/Nominations Committee to receive completed applications. Once received, the chairman will share the applications with his/her committee to review, evaluate, rank, and choose the candidate with the most points to recommend to the Executive Board for approval. (Note: This position does not require a vote, only approval by the Executive Board.) This recommendation will be made at the March Executive Board meeting unless requested earlier by GAEL.

4. In the event of unforeseen circumstances so that the nominee cannot meet the four-year commitment at any time during his/her term as a GAEL officer, the G-CASE Executive Board, under the leadership of the Immediate Past-President, may name another G-CASE member to fill or complete the term(s) as GAEL president-elect and/or GAEL president. (If the G-CASE Immediate Past President is to be considered, the non-voting Executive Director will guide the re-application process.)

 Exhibit 1: GAEL Succession of Officers

Secretary – Treasurer

     Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors

     Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (2020-2021 (FY21), 2027-2028)

     Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators

     Georgia School Superintendents Association

     Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Middle School Principals

     Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals



     Georgia School Superintendents Association

     Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Middle School Principals

     Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors

     Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (2021-2022 (FY22); 2028-2029)

     Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators



     Georgia School Superintendents Association

     Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Middle School Principals

     Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors

     Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (2022-2023 (FY23); 2029-2030)

     Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators


Immediate Past President

     Georgia School Superintendents Association

     Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Middle School Principals

     Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals

     Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors

     Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (2023-2024 (FY24); 2030-2031)

     Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators




Exhibit 2: Application to Serve as GAEL President/G-CASE                           Rotation

Qualifications: The applicant must:

  • have been a Member of G-CASE and GAEL for a minimum of the last three consecutive years.
  • have been a full-time employee for at least two years in his/her current school district.
  • possess an exemplary record of service to the profession of educational leadership.
  • exhibit leadership characteristics that are considered a positive role model for others.
  • make a commitment to be employed full time in a K-12 public school system in Georgia in a supervisory, coordinating, or consulting position directly related to the improvement of instruction and curriculum development for at least two years from the date of being named as the GAEL president-elect. In the event of unforeseen circumstances and the nominee cannot meet this commitment, the G-CASE Executive Board GAEL Task Force may name another G-CASE member to fill or complete the term(s) as GAEL president-elect and/or GAEL president.
  • make a four-year commitment to devote the time and leadership to serve as the GAEL treasurer, GAEL president-elect, GAEL president, and GAEL past-president and have the support of his/her immediate supervisor and superintendent.


Selection Criteria:

  • Service/involvement in G-CASE and GAEL                                                 20 points
  • Demonstrated leadership and management skills                                         20 points
  • Experience and skills to lead a state-wide organization                                 20 points
  • Contributions to the educational leadership profession                                 20 points
  • Membership in professional education organizations (list in vita)                   10 points
  • Community involvement (list in vita)                                                          10 points


Additional Requirements:

1.      The applicant’s direct supervisor and superintendent must be notified, approve, and support the application and the applicant’s time commitment if selected.

2.      To be considered, the complete application packet shall include:

ü  The completed application form

ü  A summary of activities related to the specified selection criteria*

(Maximum 3 pages)

ü  Vita of professional career that includes as a minimum educational preparation, employment history, lists of membership in professional and community organizations, awards, and special recognitions (Maximum 3 pages)





The application packet must be emailed or postmarked by 4:30 P.M. by the communicated deadline:

Mail to: G-CASE

Attention: Sarah Burbach

682 Skyline Drive

Madison, Georgia 30650


Email to:


The G-CASE Nominating Committee will review, evaluate, and rank all applications. The chairman of the nominating committee will submit the names of all applicants and the name of the person being recommended to serve as the GAEL president-elect to the G-CASE Executive Board for approval.


G-CASE Nominating Committee:

Executive Board Executive Committee

Immediate Past-President (Chair of Nominations Committee),

President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer