Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (G-CASE) Emeritus Council Policy

Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education (G-CASE)

Emeritus Council Policy

Reason for Policy


In an effort to retain the knowledge and skills of distinguished G-CASE Past-Presidents, as well as keeping them actively involved in the G-CASE organization at a high level, an Emeritus Council will be a positive addition to the Program of Work Structure.




Statement of Policy


The Georgia Council of Administrators of Special Education shall establish an Emeritus Council comprised of all G-CASE Past-Presidents who serve at the will of the Executive Board. This Council shall be advisory only in nature, and neither it nor any member thereof shall have any power or authority in the management or control of the business of the organization. Members of the Emeritus Council shall be members of G-CASE, CEC, and CASE and will be invited to attend and participate in G-CASE Executive Board Meetings, Business Meeting, and retreats.




Responsibilities of Members of the Emeritus Council


1.      Participating in the continuous review, renewal, evaluation, and updates to the Strategic Plan


2.      Serving as appointed, current G-CASE President-approved representatives on G-CASE standing and ad hoc committees, as appropriate. (In the case of an appointment to a standing or Ad Hoc committee, G-CASE will pay travel/meals/lodging expenses at the Georgia Per Diem rate comparable to payment to other committee members.)


3.      Attending and participating in G-CASE Executive Board meetings and conferences, as able and appropriate.


a.       If attending at the request of the G-CASE President, the invited Past-President will be entitled to have expenses paid by G-CASE.








1.      The Immediate Past-President will become the Chair of the Emeritus Council following his/her term as Immediate Past-President and will be a voting member of the Executive


2.      The Emeritus Council shall meet at a minimum of one time a year, usually preceding the Past Presidents’ Dinner before the Spring Conference.


3.      The Immediate Past-President and current G-CASE President set the agenda for the Emeritus Council for the coming year.


4.      The Executive Director ensures that members of the Emeritus Council are invited to meetings and retreats of the Executive Board, G-CASE Conferences, and other G-CASE-sponsored events at their own expense.


5.      The chair of the Emeritus Council (G-CASE Immediate Past-President) will work with the Past-Presidents to ensure retaining membership in G-CASE, CEC, and CASE.


6.      The chair of the Emeritus Council (G-CASE Immediate Past-President) will work with the current G-CASE President to appoint members of the Emeritus Council to standing and ad hoc committees, as appropriate.


7.      A status report, questions, and comments from the Emeritus Council will be provided by the Immediate Past-President at the Fall and Spring Executive Board Meetings as part of the agenda.


8.      As an attempt to honor and recognize Past G-CASE Presidents who have retired:


a.       G-CASE Fall Conference registration fees will be reduced by 50% and G-CASE Spring Conference registration fees will not be charged (waived) for Past-Presidents of G-CASE who have retired from the public school system of Georgia and are receiving benefits from the Teacher Retirement System.


b.      G-CASE Fall and Spring Conference registration fees will be reduced by 50% for Past-Presidents of G-CASE who have retired from the public school system of Georgia and are receiving benefits from the Teacher Retirement System and are working in a 49% position in the field of Special Education:


c.       Registration fees do not change for Past-Presidents who continue to serve as active employees of the public school system in Georgia.


d.      Registration fees for Drive-In Conferences for all past G-CASE Presidents do not change.


9.      All Past-Presidents who attend the Past-Presidents’ Dinner held annually before Spring Conference will receive one night’s lodging paid for by G-CASE.